What on earth is the “brain trust”?

Here’s the deal: I’d like your help (your input) on future content.

I’ve sent invitations to a select few of my subscribers to join what I’m calling my “brain trust”. You’ve probably heard the term before. Merriam Webster defines a “brain trust” as:

A group of official or unofficial advisers concerned especially with planning and strategy.


If you follow people on YouTube, you may have heard some of them talk about their Patreon accounts. That’s where their diehard fans go to get access to longer content and/or behind-the-scenes info and/or additional resources and/or early bird views of upcoming videos.

Patreon (and its competitors) charge subscribers for that kind of access. So I’m not using that here.

What I am doing is creating an area where I can share what video and other projects I’m working on and get your feedback, before I publish something to YouTube or a new course or blog post. I think your input would make my content better.

Would you be interested in that? Here’s what’s involved:

  • Membership is free.
  • Membership is open by invitation only to those who have already purchased a course from me in the past.
  • You’ll be enrolled in a special course where I’ll post private content that only Brain Trust subscribers can see and comment on.

If you’re logged in already, you should see a Buy Now button below. If you’re not already logged in to your account, log in using the form below, and you’ll see the button once you’ve refreshed the page.

Once you click the Buy Now button below, it’ll change to Checkout. Click that button to go to the checkout page. Don’t worry, you won’t be charged anything; checking out just completes the program enrollment process.

I look forward to seeing you on the other side!