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  1. Deb,

    A couple of things:

    You may want to add some language about using a three-letter name. For example, in your video I would've recommended naming it "COS" and putting "Certificate of Service" in the description. This would set it up so for people that like shortcut keys, they can type COS and hit F3. The shorter the name the quicker to insert the Quick Part.

    Also, I'd recommend (especially in the beginning stages for carving up documents to make the Quick Parts) to add command to "Save to Quick Parts" and the "Quick Parts Gallery" to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). This way they wouldn't need to go to the Insert tab on the ribbon each time.

    I'd also recommend saving by showing how to createundefinedname a category. I have two thoughts about this – for just my "stuff" I create a category with my name. But let's say I have different type of Letters, I'd create a category called "Letters" and save them there. I might even name them something simple like "LT1", "LT2", etc. for Letter-type-1, Letter-type-2.

    Then in terms of "Building Blocks.dotx" vs "Normal.dotx" – Building Blocks.dotx is the default when you click on the Save – however if you select text then use the shortcut key, ALT+F3 it defaults to Normal. This can be adjusted each time, but people tend to forget. As you know, sometimes Word messes up and one troubleshooting method is to delete the Normal.dotm, closeundefinedreopen Word – a new, fresh Normal.dotm get created. But any macros, styles, AND Autotexts would get deleted, too. The benefit of the Building Blocks.dotx is that it's "Portable". It can be save and put on any other PC. FYI, if the name is left the same it would replace the existing one.

    When I've created Quick Parts for my clients, I actually create a "Firm Building Blocks.dotx". This file can get updatedundefinedpushed out every time a person logs into the network (with a simple login script or batch file). Separating them insures that an individuals Quick Parts won't get overwritten by the Firm's Quick Parts.

    People tend to remember and LOVE Autotext. I've had to explain the drawbacks is that for Autotext to work (where once you type up to the fourth character in the name the option automagically appears to hit ENTER to insert it). The biggest drawback is what explained above regarding the Normal.dotm. It has to get saved there and it might need to get erased in the future.

    One other safe practice would be for people to have a single document for all of their quick parts. So tht JUST IN CASE something happens to the Building Blocks.dotx, they don't have to start from scratch and can more easily recreate them.

    OK, whew – that's a big comment!