Clearing all formatting from text
Some of you have taken my advice about using CTRL-SHIFT-N to “nuke” Microsoft Word formatting, only to be disappointed that it didn’t work quite as advertised. Here’s why, plus an alternative.
Some of you have taken my advice about using CTRL-SHIFT-N to “nuke” Microsoft Word formatting, only to be disappointed that it didn’t work quite as advertised. Here’s why, plus an alternative.
Reader Benjamin e-mailed me recently from my Ask the Guru page with this request:
“I’ve got text (imported badly – I don’t have access to the original source) which is spaced badly in Microsoft Word 2010 — meaning I have to manually cursor + delete then space-bar to put it back together without the green wiggles. It’s time consuming and I would like to know if there is an automated alternative. I’m sure I’m one of millions who are suffering with this. Can you help us?”
Click through to read how we worked this problem out together.
Here’s how to use the Format Painter button to copy formats from one block of text to another in Microsoft Word.
Ever have text that mysteriously insisted on dropping down to the following page, despite the fact there was plenty of room on the page before? Here’s how to fix those bad boys.
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