Easier date entry in Excel
Have a bunch of dates to type into Excel but hate having to use “/” or “-” to separate month, day and year? Here’s a simple formula for converting an eight-digit data entry into a properly-formatted date.
Reader Question: Cannot select single cell, row, or column
If you ever think your mouse has gone crazy in Microsoft Excel, don’t panic! Here are two reasons your text selection is wonky.
Reader Question: Calculate difference between two dates in Microsoft Excel
A reader asked me recently how to calculate the difference between two dates. My response? Well, it depends. Fortunately, there are only two scenarios to pick between, and I’ve illustrated them both in this post. Click through for complete tutorial on how to calculate in Microsoft Excel using dates.
Summarizing Excel data with Pivot Tables
Got a large spreadsheet you need to make sense of? Don’t waste time trying to sort and manually manipulate those kabillion rows and columns. Create a pivot table to group and summarize your data with just a few mouse clicks.
Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
If you want one-click access to the Microsoft Office commands, you need to use the Quick Access Toolbar. Here’s a video showing you two easy ways to add commands so you have quick and easy access to them as you work.
Printing those monster Excel sheets
Got a humongous Excel spreadsheet that needs printing? Here’s a detailed tutorial (including video) on how to format it to print attractively so the data makes sense.
Creating a custom timeline in Excel
Jessica, a reader from Miami, wanted some help with creating a custom timeline in Microsoft Office. Here’s the Excel-based solution I created for her.
Customizing the Status Bar
There’s a whole host of ways you can make the various Microsoft Office applications easier to use. In fact, most users don’t take full advantage of the options for customizing these applications to make the Office suite work better for them.
Today, we’re going to talk about one of the easiest customizations: the Status Bar.
How to put multiple lines into cells in Microsoft Excel
If you use Microsoft Excel to organize data (say, a list of documents being produced), you may have run across The Cell That’s Too Small For Its Data. Fortunately, there are ways to get information to fit into a single cell. Here’s how to wrap text, insert manual line breaks, and control vertical alignment in a cell.
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