Quick Parts vs. AutoText

A reader emailed me with an example of how she was using AutoText to create form letters. While her template was a really ingenious use of AutoText (and clearly took a lot of work), I would say that a combination of Quick Parts and Content Controls would be a bit more user-friendly. Here’s how I put this together.

The four dates you can embed in your Word documents

One of the most fun discoveries that new Microsoft Word users make is the self updating date. If you’ve already uncovered this, you know exactly what I’m talking about: you click a couple of times, and suddenly you’ve got today’s date embedded in your document, and it will update itself every time you open the document. But what if what you want isn’t necessarily today’s date? What if you need the document to reflect the date it was last saved, or printed, or created? The good news is, you can get any of those with a couple more mouse clicks and a little know-how.

Compare vs. Combine: What’s the difference?

I’ll admit it: I’m a fan of Track Changes. But some people just don’t want to use Track Changes. Whether they simply don’t know how to use it or they’re just plain wary of it, they usually just send you a revised version of whatever you sent them, leaving you to figure out exactly what they did. Or, they do use Track Changes, and now you have two or more redlines to review. Here’s how (and when) to use Compare Documents versus Combine Documents.

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